Monday, March 28, 2005

Deep breath.

Just have time for a quick post. I needed time to decompress and gather my thoughts following my Sad Day post. There was a confrontation and three of us (maybe even more, actually) finally washed our hands of someone who had previously been a best friend. Fortunately, she made it slightly easier than I was expecting. She actually just came right out and admitted most of what she had been doing. I was really worried that it was going to turn into a debate or something. In any case, I'm glad it's over and we can all move on. It's all still very raw though.

Fortunately this weekend has been nice. I didn't get much done that I had planned on, but that's okay. I had lot's of other pleasant surprises instead. A friend is also coming in to visit from Wisconsin this week, so I have something to look forward to there as well.

Alright, that will sew it up for now. I'll be back soon with some writing and a better update.


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