Monday, April 18, 2005

Hurry Up And Wait

Just jumping on for a very quick update. Friday was the last day of work for me. However, I will be going in Wednesday just to help out a bit and take care of mess with my phone and so on. I've kinda gone under the radar the past week and I apologize to anyone who I may not have got back in touch with. It's just been very very busy. I'm trying desperately to wrap up my resume and look more at work stuff, but the apartment issue has been top priority...what with that particular deadline coming up quite quickly. Tomorrow I'll hopefully know if I'm putting my things in storage or with a family member and when I'll actually start moving. Ugh, I just hate the thought of this. I spent all last week packing and moving three offices and now I get to do the same at home...

Anyhoo, thanks to everyone for their patience and support. As soon as any one thing is sorted out I'll be much more available, I hope (famous last words, I know).


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