Friday, January 13, 2006

New Year, New Same Old...

Hi there.

I've been neglectful in updating this page over the holidays, so I thought I should throw some stuff up really fast. Travel and visits were very nice the past several weeks. We were in Phoenix, followed by a week in Milwaukee for Christmas, followed by a week in Baton Rouge over New Years. X-mas was fun and really low key. I didn't go anywhere, open any presents, or really do anything remotely holiday related. Perfect! My trip to Louisiana was fun, but sadly I didn't catch up with many of the people that I wanted to, due in part to scheduling issues, lack of transportation, and time constraints. Anyone I may not have gotten ahold of, you haven't been forgotten and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

The big news right now is that I have started my new job. It's going very well thus far. I'm not too keen on showing up at 7:00 am, but obviously that isn't stopping me from doing important things like updating my web page at 1:00 am the night before. Oh well... I don't think I'll ever learn. I'll try to fill in the details a bit more soon, but I do need to get some sleep now. Until then.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey buddy,

i just found this site again. im at the internet cafe next to my work. just got off a 17 hour work day! im loopy! my jobsite got hit by a tornado today, it was wild! anyway im great and all is well. hope you guys are 2

9:33 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

Hey! Things are good here. I can't get my sleep cycle regulated, but the job itself is going great. I just saw a story about the tornadoes. Glad to hear you're okay. That city just can't catch a break lately.

Oh well. I'll catch up with you soon.

11:30 PM  

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