Wednesday, December 14, 2005

MKE News.

Hey folks.

Sorry for the long delay from my last entry. Things have obviously been quite hectic. And now with the holidays approaching, I'll likely continue to be scattered and smothered for some time to come. Still, I've had a few things to mention for awhile... Lemme get to it.

First, the apartment is coming along. We still need to get a few more odds and ends together, along with decorations and a bit more furniture, but it's looking pretty good all things considered. We painted the front room to break up the monotony of the white walls and I'm quite pleased with the final results. I don't have pictures yet, but they will be forthcoming in the near future.

I know that many of you were worried that I wouldn't be able to survive here on my own, but I am happy to report that I have indeed begun cooking. Nothing terribly complex, but it still counts. Furthermore, I have not burned the apartment down, nor have I or any other tenants sustained injuries as a result of my efforts to feed myself. As a bonus, the food has actually been good. I was just shooting for "edible" or "not transformed into charcoal" too. Again, I was planning on including some pictures, but I'm having technical difficulties. Soon though.

This is the first time that I've had space to set up all of my musical equipment at once, so I've been enjoying working on demo tracks for the first time in a while without having to cut corners. I've put the wraps on around three new songs recently and I'll have more shortly. Looks like that demo CD might actually be finished sometime this decade.

One last bit of good news. I just accepted a job here today working for one of the largest healthcare providers in the state. It's a leadership position and a great opportunity, so naturally I'm very excited about it. I'll be starting in January, after the holidays.

That's it for now. Everything else is good. I'm having a blast here, even with all the snow (we got stuck in a snow heap the other night...NOT cool). I'll try to keep the updates coming along more regularly in the future.

Best wishes to all.


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