Sunday, March 19, 2006

Sequential News & Other Offerings

Hey there.

1. I've been extra busy the last two weeks because I've been working on performance appraisals for my staff for the year ending December 31, 2005. This has been extra challenging because I didn't begin work until January 9, 2006. :) It's actually worked out well though and is mostly enjoyable, even though it takes a while. Most people would love to have an opportunity to tell their co-workers what they think of them. I get paid to do it! HEE!

2. I've almost put the finishing touches on another song for my demo CD. I just need to put those pesky vocals to bed. I just have a few more to go before I finish. Then I can begin obsessing over jacket art and whatnot full time.

3. Roger Ebert replied personally to an e-mail I sent him critiquing a movie. It was just a couple of sentences, but I still got a big kick out of it.

4. My friend Rachel just had a birthday. Happy Birthday Rachel! Love and miss you!

5. Today I broke a stick while drumming...on a set of synth pads...Fucking ROCK!

6. I picked up the new Mogwai CD yesterday, Mr. Beast. Oh man, it is mighty mighty good stuff. It's heavier and more guitar oriented than their last offering, but still really deeply layered with interesting instruments and sounds. Check 'em out here or on myspace.

7. Another recent music discovery was Trespassers William. In the past few days I've acquired two of their three studio releases and I'm sure it's only a matter of time before I get the third. It's oh so nice, oh so melancholy, and oh so catchy. It's also very Mazzy Star in the instrumentation and vocals, but the singer is waaay better than Hope Sandoval and the songs don't have that kind of icy detachment that you get in Mazzy Star. Check out their home page here or on myspace. I think that Different Stars is a good place to start.

8. Elder Scrolls: Oblivion comes out this Tuesday. It's safe to assume that I'll be unavailable after that for several months (unless you happen to have Xbox Live). Yes, I am a colossal nerdling. Thank you for your understanding.

9. Try out this site and see how much you're ruining the world! According to current estimates, my global footprint is 21 acres. So, if everyone lived like me, we would need almost five planets to sustain everyone. That's an improvement from last year too, when my footprint was 28. If you're homeless or hungry, sorry about that.

10. All is well. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Carry on, please.


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