Computers are meant to make your life simpler most times, correct? Can anyone explain why it doesn't work that way for me?
I was planning on writing an e-mail to a friend tonight and a nice article here, but instead I got to toil with this wretched "labor saving device" after Internet Expolorer decided to refuse to open anymore (anyone who says something obnoxious about M$ or Netscape, I will come over and punch you in the teeth...just warning you). I ran every spyware, registry, and configuration program known to man and still I ended up having to completely reinstall my browser...Oh well, I didn't really want to do anything marginally interesting tonight anyway.
I think that the war of the machines has already begun, much like in Terminator or The Matrix, but they don't have the ability to build cyborgs yet or any sort of vehicle to get around and interact, so they are forced to fight by attempting to annoy us to death.
I apologize to any unfortunate soul who might happen to read this. This is the worst type of rant to be subjected to, but I just had to get it off my chest. I'll make it up to you. I promise I will write something more interesting and thought provoking in the next couple of days. Until then, screw computers...Go write with a pencil...on real a real journal...Go on...