Wednesday, June 30, 2004

When Good Directors Do Bad Things.

I want to rant for a minute on two directors that I can't stand. If I could get myself alone in a room with Tarantino and Kevin Smith, I would love to slap the taste out of their mouths. It's funny how much I dislike them, because I generally like their films. The problem is that they have personally spawned a whole new generation of obnoxious gen-x film-makers who want to make cool, yappy, hipster flicks with WAY too much dialogue. I'm all for good dialogue, but film is a visual medium. I want you to show me something interesting, not blather on in a series of extended monologues. I love David Lynch for this reason (among many others). I know the dialogue is cool in Tarantino/Smith pictures, but it isn't something that works in most film. Give it a rest already.

Actually, I can pick more on Smith. Unlike Tarantino, he hasn't been consistant enough with the quality of his films for me to be willing to pardon him for his contribution to the hipster-dialogue problem. I loved Clerks and Chasing Amy, but really I haven't liked anything else he's done very much. It's sad when, outside of the two films I just mentioned, Mallrats is clearly the best thing in your catalog. I know some people really liked Dogma and J&SBSB. Some people also really like the music of John Tesh, Ricky Martin, and Matchbox 20. I honestly didn't laugh more than a couple of times in either of those two films.

With Kevin Smith, I see a bit of "George Lucas Syndrome" lately. That's where a talented writer/director suddenly loses his mind after years of creating modern day classics then starts a-churnin' out the crap, but all of his fans and subordinates are too afraid to tell him (or admit) that what he has sucks and needs to be reworked. I can see it now:

"Yes, Mr. Lucas. I read the script for Episode One today...Oh yeah, I think it's fabulous. That Jar Jar is just too funny. Don't change a thing, sir."

Tarantino, on the other hand, I think generally produces quality work, it just doesn't appeal to me as much as others. I've never been too big on kung-fu, crime, and exploitation flicks, so I'm obviously going to miss out on some of the charm of his films.

I would really like to see these guys stretch themselves a bit with some new styles (Jersey Girl is NOT a good start) in the future. Until then, why are you still reading about this? Go rent Zero Effect. Go on...

Tuesday, June 29, 2004


Every time I look at a clock, it seems to be 11:34.

There are certain things that I grow weary of remembering, although I would not choose to let them go if I could, strangely enough. Do you ever have the experience of remembering something that presently is so divorced from your experience that on an unconscious level you begin to question if it was real at all? It is a terribly distressing feeling.

I should be in should you. Go on...

Monday, June 28, 2004

The Trouble With Words.

I just remided myself of something I wrote a long time ago:

The Trouble With Words

I am so alone.
You might read the words,
You might comprehend,
But do you see me
Stabbing my blue pen
Into the page
Again and again?
Do you feel
The saltwater sting
Welling up in my eyes?
Do you feel old like me?
I'm a dry leaf,
Blown apart in the storm.
I am so alone.
All this in four words.


That's from memory, so it may not be quite right, but it's close enough. Anyway...Get out of here and write a letter to your congressman. Go on...

The Communications Revolution

I was just thinking. I've been irritated for a while with all these people talking about the internet and other forms of communications technology as though it will bring the next golden age of civilization. People love to pretend that the internet is making the world smaller and making people more and more connected. Bullshit.

It certainly is nice to be able to get ahold of people more easily from a safety standpoint, as well as to assist in daily living. However, I think that all this technology lets people exist in a state of disconnection and self-deception much more easily. This is something I want to be conscious of because I'm choosing to spend some time here blogging and I don't want to misuse this tool.

Technology certainly allows people to communicate more often, but with less connection and without the innate consequences that come with genuine human interaction. It makes me think of Everquest and all of those MMORPG's. They have people who don't even play the game anymore, they just go there to socialize. It likely wouldn't bother me so much except that they choose to spend all of their time in the virtual world without living in the real world at all. They never make any real connections with people. You can find out some interesting things by reading my words, but don't make the mistake of thinking that you know me based on this stuff. It's easier and less frightening to have virtual friendships, because you don't have the same risks and consequences. Interacting in person means having to look someone in the eye, having to let them watch your body language, having to TRULY and ACTIVELY participate in the dialectic process. I know that can be scary for some people, seems like it's everybody these days. If you crave connection so much, for the love of God, get out and live your life IN PERSON. Hang up the phone. Turn off the computer. Go talk to someone. Make friends. Hold their hand. Take some risks! Think about all the things you get out of your on-line life. Think about how much better and more rewarding it would be if you did it for real.

I have a life and it is not here. This is a reminder to myself that I have work to do, and it is in the real world. I hope to make friends in the time I spend here, wherever that may be, but the space we truly share is in the real world.

Communication theory is a subject that interests me very much and I will have more to say on it in the future. Until then...Why are you still reading this? Haven't you been paying attention? Go call your grandma and tell her you love her...Go on...

Sunday, June 27, 2004

The Start Of Nothing Important.

This is an experiment. It will likely be a short lived one, though I may replace it in the future with a more carefully thought out weblog. I've never attempted this sort of thing before and, quite frankly, I think it's a collossal waste of everyone's time. However, maybe something useful can come out of it.

I am the sort of person that others come to regularly to talk about things going on in their lives that bother them. This is in both my professional and private life. I have no problem with this situation, but because of it I tend to automatically take the role of listener now and don't get nearly enough chance to vent. My hope is that I can use this space to unburden myself of some of the things that have been stressing me out the past several years, hopefully becoming a happier and more productive person in the process...That being said, this is a space that I have created for my own use only and not for the entertainment and enjoyment of others. I want to make it clear that I don't have a problem with visitors coming here to read and leave comments, etc...However, I think that your time would be better spent thinking about and living your own life, rather than dwelling on mine...Seriously, why are you still here? Go talk to someone you care about. Go on...

Alright then, let's have some fun...