I'm back from a week in Atlanta. Really good trip for many different reasons. The city itself is really fun and interesting. I saw a couple of tourist type things and some that were more off the radar. Overall, the whole place has a great atmosphere and is full of very nice people. The only problem I had consistently was with the homeless/vagrant population. I'm very tolerant in general, but the street people in downtown Atlanta are frickin' PUSHY. We were accosted one night by a guy asking for money who was literally bumping into me over and over. Sometimes they would chase me down from three blocks away to "ask" for change. Total overkill.
I stayed at the Marriott Atlanta Marquis, which is fifty stories tall. I was on the forty-first floor and I had a wicked-cool view of the city. I'll post some pictures when I can get my camera dock set up. The last night there, we ate at an excellent Brazilian steakhouse in Buckhead called Fogo De Chao. If you ever spot one of these places around, do yourself a favor and stop in. Everything was first class from top to bottom.
If you want to hear more, check out their web-site:
www.fogodechao.comThe whole trip was remarkable, but it was that much better because I had good company. The time spent visiting was clearly the high point for me. It is not often that you meet people that you can spend five and a half evenings with and never once run out of things to talk about, and with no meaningless small-talk or filler conversation. This can become somewhat problematic though when it causes you to miss flights and so on...Heh...
So, what else is going on? The move is complete. All of my things have been safely stored (albeit temporarily) at the old homestead and I'm quickly wrapping up loose ends left over from work. As I mentioned before, I plan on catching up on long delayed travel while I have the opportunity. Hopefully the next stop will be Austin. I was going to try to set that up last night, but my phone decided to get all goofy on me. Raleigh-Durham is in the works also and I just added Charleston, South Carolina to the travel itinerary last night for around Memorial Day.
So, that's where things stand as of now. I'm also getting geared up for the fun of hunting for a new job, but I absolutely REFUSE to allow that to interfere with my travel plans. I've put this stuff off for too long already. I'll keep everyone updated as things come around. I have a few posts cooking that don't look like giant info dumps as well. :)
[/bloggy banality]